" Between Black & Brown
Reflections of hope
In the midnight glow of a sky
sparkling with millions of little stars
glistening over a sea of potential "
~ ~ ~
" If the present is the future of yesterday,
Then a stone is time compressed into physical matter
Encapsulating the memories of its planet "
~ ~ ~
" From the depth of space to the bottom of the (Baltic) Sea,
Pandora's Box awaits. "
~ ~ ~
" The sage perfumes the air of its wisdom,
Protective and cleansing,
Fragrant and healing ... "
~ ~ ~
" Enter the magnificent void
Through a fracture in time
A portal to the eternal
Eventually coming back to my temporary home
Awaiting for a new shell
for my ghost to inhabit
impatient for the next download
I let my soul float in the peaceful
yet complex perceived emptiness of the cosmos. "
~ ~ ~
" As above, so below.
The cosmos is just an external reflection of our inner universe:
Each cell a planet, Each atom a star "
~ ~ ~
"Endless Desert
Wrinkled Soil
Waiting for the sky to cry
Tender tears of love
Hydrating life
Back into the cracks of time"
~ ~ ~
" Rust is the color of time "
~ ~ ~
" Dressed in a coat of white stillness,
the snow-covered landscape echoes in silence "
~ ~ ~
" Dressed in a coat of white stillness,
the snow-covered dunes echo in silence "
~ ~ ~
" Dressed in a coat of white stillness,
the snow-covered desert echoes in silence "
~ ~ ~
" On a stormy day,
the horizon sheepishly appears
from behind a robe of clouds
and lays bare to agitated sterling waves
in a symphony of blues, greens and greys. "
~ ~ ~
" An invisible choreographer
Directing stalks of flowering flax to bend to its will
Caressing crops
With the tenderness of a mother’s touch
Golden rays flickering in the light
As the stems dance from left to right
Like a row of ballerinas perfectly aligned
Waving their hands in the air
To the rhythm of the elements ...
The wind is not only music
But also the conductor of this moment "
~ ~ ~
" I am the Garbo of the unknown."
~ ~ ~
"Struggling and often stuck
at the railroad crossing of my self worth,
I wish I to inspire
before I expire "
~ ~ ~
" Under the fool moon, I listen to my own tides. "
~ ~ ~
" Silence is a space
Where we integrate the melodies of life.
Like a breath of wisdom,
Sprouting from a temporary stillness
Allowing us to escape a momentary madness
Grounding us into the moment,
Creating an opening for the next resonance
As if preparing for the lyrics of our soul's grand entrance."
~ ~ ~
" Silence is the music of stillness "
~ ~ ~
" Words were floating and rearranging in the air
until it rained poetry "
~ ~ ~
" Great design is about simplicity
so that life may shine around it."
~ ~ ~
" An ode to black.
From Nordic sand,
To Icelandic volcanoes,
Lava black and river rocks,
Mirroring the darkness of the sky
Listening to the cosmos
For information that comes without words or images "
~ ~ ~
" So-called crazy ideas, thoughts and concepts,
Books and movies are the blueprints of our future(s)
Because the mind cannot tap into what does not exist
In the space time continuum of physics, quantum physics
and alternate universes;
The only bridge between imagination and reality is time. "
~ ~ ~
" For & Give
Means twice away from me.
I free myself
I detach and let go
Not for you
But for me
I will never forget
And will never let you know
But I forgive you
Because you have contributed to the person I am today.
So Thank you and Fuck you! "
~ ~ ~
Dark sky
Bright flickering stars
Plunging my hand
In the softest sand
Squeezing these particles of time
Warm textured sensations
Dreams of a past - Ascending
Memories of a future - Descending
Sitting in the middle
A fog of wisdom
Wrapping itself around my experience
I feel small and irrelevant
Yet fully grounded and present
In visible awe of all this beauty
What is making all this possible
I look above
And see the night sky
and heavenly stars winking at me
In silence,
I wink back
I smile
I am not alone
~ ~ ~
" To be human is to be traumatized "
~ ~ ~
" Sandstone: encapsulating memories of our origins,
waiting to be re-discovered, integrated and accepted at last!
Guardians of ancient secrets hiding in plain sight:
each grain remnant of universal truths
and our place in the space time continuum / multiverses.
Waiting for a storm to lift these particles of time elapsed
to reveal information buried below.
As below so above,
As above, so below. "
~ ~ ~
Each pixel a memory
Each memory a string of beads
Each bead a moment
Each moment a universe of its own
Encapsulating infinite sensory perceptions
Full of knowledge and understanding
Feeding the Akashic Records
Each pixel a set of vibrations
Vibratos of experiences
Creating a symphony for the universe
Rocking my soul to peaces
And eternal wisdom
On my way home
Each pixel a spark
Each spark a star
Each star a memory
As I look up
I see others like me
I am home
I am safe
I am one
~ ~ ~
Invisible pain
In visible pain
If my anger represents one second in time
It bursts after thousands of triggers
And micro-triggers
When it does
I feel a split in my soul
A profound sadness.
I feel trapped in my body
Drowning in a sea of low level emotions
At the same time grateful for the experience
Yet, I want to rip it all off
Like a vinyl suit
Clingy and suffocating
Unable to breathe
Longing for freedom and tenderness
Longing for a breath of fresh air
Is my anger a reflection of how much I care?
What if I am just a mirror,
Amplifying what others feel around me?
What if this anger does not belong to me?
What if my anger covers a greater sadness for humanity?
As I feel the noose of society becoming tighter,
And witnessing the death of logic
Common sense & integrity
Freedom & privacy
Independence & individuality
I am witnessing the death of creativity.
Where is the charm?
Where is the poetry?
Where is the mystery?
I can't find my compassion anymore,
Why do I even care?
Lack of integrity
Lack of generosity
Lack of transparency
Lack of honesty
Lack of beauty
Always being asked for more
When will it be enough?
When will I be enough?
I want to break free from this internal hell
And let my spirit soar out of its shell
Into the cosmos
Spreading my light
Without blinding anyone,
Or creating shade for anyone,
Or triggering anyone!
I need to flap my wings of greatness
Even if in secret
Even for a moment
Completely free
I need infinite space to be me
Everything else is just too small
Everything else is just too slow
In patience
I breathe in
And let the anger out
I breathe out
Then let the cosmos in
I reconnect to the multiverses within me
Internal space
Infinite space
Alone, yet not lonely!
At peace
At last, a moment of bliss.
At one with divine source
As I switch the letters of the word anger
The space within expands
At last
I let go of my anger
And let in a new range
Of experience, resilience and hope
As I let the sun shine
On the dark corners of my emotions
I care no matter what
Even if it is a contract
Between me and my soul
I choose to care
And if feeling pain and anger
Allows me to experience the full rainbow of emotions
That of which makes me human
and a sensitive one at that
I will continue to feel deeply - always
Because it is a reminder of my incarnation
Into the physical world that is here and now
Into the physical world that is me now.
" Above an ocean of tears,
A stormy sky
Reflecting my inner turmoil.
Clash of three elements
Finding their connection to one another,
Just as body mind spirit;
Air water sand
Waves of darkness
Crashing onto the shore of life
Waves of confusion
Memories, doubts and self reflection
I am struggling with my incarnation
My inner/hidden life
Foaming with painful emotions
Lingering before disappearing
Reabsorbed by the granules of time.
Bracing for the next cycle.
But now, I am ready to let go
And receive joy
As the waves wash away my sorrows
Just as a ray of sunshine
Breaking though the angry sky,
A beam of light vibrates
As the clouds of heaviness
That once weighted upon my heart
Make way for a new element
Longing for a new experience of self
A sense of harmony and inner peace.
Suddenly, in between the brakes, stillness
I can hear hope
I can taste the salt of happiness
And as the winds of tenderness caress my face
I am present
I am grounded
It is delightful
I am grateful. "
~ ~ ~
North is the new South
South is the new North
Self-care is the new selfish
Selfish is the new self-care
Conspiracy is the new common sense
Common sense is the new conspiracy
TV comedy is the new truth
TV "truth" in the new comedy
Outside is the new inside
Inside is the new outside
Luxury is the new simplicity
Simplicity is the new luxury
Black is the new White
White is the new Black
As above so below
From grassroots to underground
So below will rise above!
~ ~ ~
Only time can soften the sharp edges of pain
~ ~ ~
I used to feel like a tourist in my body.
My soul reluctantly landing,
Observing life
From a distance, from behind my shell
As if peeking from behind a door
Looking through the key holes of my eyes.
Now, at 50, I feel like a citizen of my body.
My internal echo has lessened
I have landed.
Or have I?
~ ~ ~
Invisible despair / In visible despair
Invisible hope / In visible hope
Invisible beauty / In visible beauty
Invisible hate / In visible hate
Invisible love / In visible love
Invisible darkness / In visible darkness
Invisible light / In visible light
Invisible depression / In visible depression
Invisible hope / In visible hope
Invisible pain / In visible pain
Invisible chaos / In visible chaos
Invisible turmoil / In visible turmoil
Invisible violence / In visible violence
Invisible harm / In visible harm
Invisible transformation / In visible transformation
Invisible resilience / In visible resilience
Invisible happiness / In visible happiness
Invisible stillness / In visible stillness
Invisible peace / In visible peace
Invisible awe / In visible awe
Invisible gratitude / In visible gratitude
~ ~ ~
“No one is all light or all dark,
but it is how we navigate our dark waters
that will determine whether we are
a beacon of light, a guiding star or just a mere reflection on the water, disappearing at the slightest undulation.”
It is ok to be a tourist in our own darkness,
but we must reside in our light!
~ ~ ~
D elph in
The elf in
The elf within
Gem In I
The gem in I
The gem within
~ ~ ~
A process is as personal as an individual thumbprint.
The timing of that process is like the ripening of a fruit on the tree of life. Though they are from the same tree,
each fruit will ripen at a different rate
and be ready for the picking in its own time.
~ ~ ~
" Each person has their own level of capacity.
Capacity for pain or pleasure,
Failure or success,
Grief or happiness.
So who are we to judge them,
Not knowing the bigger picture.
Who are we to judge ….
ourselves? " "
~ ~ ~
" If illusions represent the edge of reality,
You remain a delicious ‘one’
spun from my heart’s wishful imagination.
Your written words go through me
and make my soul tingle,
but fade away so quickly
I had to hijack a few for this little ditty.
You feel like a statue made out of thin air …
A delicious invisible
even if I have to imagine what you look like,
feel like, taste like, smell like …
I want more!
Yet how can I grasp this mysterious hologram that is you.
Rather, I’d like you to tattoo me with your intentions,
Even if just written – at this time
I want to savor those words
because they come from you.
I want to feel you, embrace you, touch you:
Allowing you to infuse my body and soul with your sensual thoughts
leading me to burst with sensations … of possibilities.
I miss you even though we’ve never met.
I want to reach out, but there is nothing to hold …
except my dreams of you …
and a possible us.
Who knows?
But one day …
I will be looking for more substance …
And I hope you can become my sustenance. "
~ ~ ~
" Science Fiction is just a bridge between the future's future
and the present.
Allowing for humanity, as a mass,
to adapt and catch up to the complexity of what seems impossible now.
Yet, the mind cannot tap into what does not exist.
Creativity and imagination do not belong to us,
they pass through a few ...
and are simply tinted through our own lenses and experiences.
If you can think it, it is real ... somewhere, somehow
or will be. "
~ ~ ~
" In visible awe ...
Just because you don't see it
doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Always remember that there is a rich universe in the unseen
and that it is all around us.
Live in visible awe of the mystery and power of the invisible.
The invisible is where all the magic happens "
~ ~ ~
49th KEY
Bending the fabric of time
A fissure
Slowly ripping through the space time continuum
Bleeding through layers of time
Seeping into multiverses
Merging the past present and future into one
Integrating forgotten truths
Shaking humanity with quantum based enigmas
In pursuit of the forbidden
Do I dare ask?
Could I handle the answers?
Invited for a brief moment
I float in the Akashic Records
Soaking in all the answers
From the beginning of time
Lingering in dark blue matter
Littered by sprinkles of light
Blue, Green, Purple and white
I let myself be
In this beam of invisible light
Like a vacuum sucking me back in
I'm slowly coming back into my shell
There is a lot more to tell
I am loosing the knowledge
But not the memory of the experience.
Like playing a vinyl in reverse
I feel like a leaf floating on warm wind
Swirling into a place
as I surrender into this whirlwind
I do not know where I'm going
I am not in control
The great invisible is guiding me
through a vortex in time
I trust that the program that made me
Will take me to where I need to be.
~ ~ ~
Fireworks might be pretty and full of sparkles
But nothing is a beautiful as a sunset or a sunrise.
Nothing as grand or vivid as the colors of the rainbow
reflecting on the celestial and wild blue yonder
Imagine an invisible painter dipping its brush into tinted clouds
With the stroke of its imagination, creating multi-colored skies
Sometimes moody and dark, sometimes vibrant, peaceful and bright
Allowing the mysteries and mystical to coincide.
Sweeping gestures of hues and frequencies harmonizing within and above us.
Adding a little light here and intelligence there
A bit of white with specks of yellow and black
creating moons and satellites
Adding a few nebulas here and planets there …
Galaxies of color, magical unknowns and heavenly stars
Is anyone else as moved by the beauty and mystery that surrounds us every night?
As I look up, like the Friedrich(s) and Whistler(s) of the world before me,
I can’t help but be inspired and let the beauty of it all fill my reservoir
Memories of this moment like a pixel for my soul
Who is the truest artist of us all?
Who are we to compete with the beauty of this planet?
We’re only mere filters, interpreters …
At best, biographers of a moment
Bursting with spiritual and orphic undertones.
In the shifting tides of emotional hues
I can feel the North Sea's blues
Where myths and mysteries collide,
Dakini's wisdom is deep and wide.
Beneath the waves, where secrets sleep,
A treasure lies in caverns deep
Guarded by the ocean's embrace,
Its glimmer lost in time and space.
The wind whispers of tales untold,
In twilight's hues of greys and gold.